Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Greetings !

Welcome ARCAN readers.    

Firstly, you may notice our new look !   With ever new technological advancements comes plenty of choice.  We are experimenting with a "blog format"  for The Leading Edge in an effort to design a newsletter that is easy to publish, easy for you access, and provides an interactive option.     The interactive option is in the form of a "comment" icon at the bottom of each article.  

You are receiving this newsletter/blog because you attended the ARCAN conference in Halifax in May 2011 and you supplied us with your email address.   If you wish to unsubscribe to this blog please notify us at arcantheleadingedge@gmail.com and we will remove your name.   If you know of someone who would like to subscribe then contact us and provide their name and email address. 

At this time The Leading Edge is a private blog, meaning, that entry is restricted to those who submit a request and are registered.  As a registered user you can also "comment"  on any or all of the articles.  Give it a try !

As we evolve we will find ways and reasons to tweak this format.  So we ask for your patience in this process.

It is our hope that this blog will keep you updated about ARCAN news and inspire us to continue to develop the network.  

So.......read on !

Monday, March 19, 2012

We're putting together some pieces ! This is where we are...

The ARCAN Committee met last Fall.  The following are some highlights of our meeting.

Conference planned for 2014.   Yes, the date for the next ARCAN conference will be 2014.  And we’re pleased to announce that Ann Walsh, Redemptorist Associate, from Newfoundland will be our guest presenter.   Ann comes highly and enthusiastically recommended.   See the next article below for a short introduction.

10th Anniversary of ARCAN.   2012 marks our 10th year.  It’s a milestone !  So, how might we acknowledge it ?   See “Regional gatherings” below.

Regional Gatherings.  As the larger Atlantic conference does not happen yearly, regional gatherings can be a way to network, learn, and strengthen relationships in between conference events.   Regional gatherings are less difficult to plan, inexpensive, and may be easier for associates and sisters to attend if the distance of travelling to a Halifax conference presents a barrier.   The ARCAN Committee proposed that the 10th anniversary (this year) would present an opportunity to organize regional gatherings.    Sisters and associates can define their own region.  Halifax and area might be a region.  Cape Breton could be a region.   Newfoundland could have several regions given geography as could PEI and New Brunswick.   We are encouraging ARCAN members to self-initiate, plan a gathering, be creative !

Database Work on the ARCAN database is progressing.  Barb Martell, RSCJ Associate is providing direction and management for this project. 

Five Year Plan.  There was discussion about developing a Five Year Plan that might provide direction and focus for ARCAN.     This topic will be discussed further at the next committee meeting in May.  

We welcome your input and suggestions.  Contacting us is easy.......arcantheleadingedge@gmail.com or  click on the comment button below.

ARCAN 2014 conference presenter - Anne Walsh

ARCAN is pleased to announce the presenter for the ARCAN 2014  conference – Anne Walsh, Redemptorist Associate.

Anne is a native Newfoundlander.  She taught in the rural schools of her home province for seven years before pursuing a Master of Religious Education degree at the Faculty of Theology, St. Michael’s College, Toronto. While in graduate school, she became acquainted with the Redemptorists and worked in several of their youth and young adult programs.   Anne has continued to be an active partner with the Redemptorists in many of their pastoral projects. 

Anne currently works as Director of Adult Faith Formation in the Archdiocese of St. John’s.   She holds a graduate Diploma in Fine Arts from the University of Calgary and a Canadian Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies from St. Michael’s College.

She is a candidate for the Doctor of Ministry degree at St. Stephen’s College in Edmonton.   
Anne is an avid reader, and crafter (scrapbooking, card-making, embroidery and painting), loves to walk and enjoys folk music (both listening and singing) and storytelling.

In the Fall edition of The Leading Edge we will feature an article from Anne on “charism and the associate relationship”.  

NACAR Conference - June 1-3, 2012

The Deerfield Hyatt Hotel, Chicago IL, is the location for this year's NACAR conference (North American Conference of Religious and Associates).  The conference theme is "Journey of Blessings".  Keynote speaker will be Joyce Rupp, OSM, author, international retreat leader and conference speaker.  For more information visit  www.nacar.org