Submitted by: Sr. Ruth O'Reilly and Associate Carmelita Pittman
Over the past thirteen years our Presentation associate relationship has been growing and developing. There is great excitement and energy ! We feel privileged to be here at this time in our history.
Over the years, and in dialogue with our associates and sisters, the need for more direction and continuity was recognized. As a result, our congregation appointed Sister Ruth O'Reilly and Associate Carmelita Pittman to be co-directors. Working along with them is a Leadership Team liaison person and a committee comprised of sisters and associates who act as a support circle for the co-directors. This shared responsibility fosters sharper focus and a clearer direction and vision for ministry.
As we visit with the associates and the sisters who journey with them, it is indeed a blessing to see and hear how our associates are living the Presentation charism, mission and spirit of Nano Nagle in their respective lifestyles. This is further witnessed through special projects taken on by associates in support of those made poor in their communities and for global mission. All of this reflects how Nano engaged others in mission and how her living energy lives on within us.
Our congregation embraces the associate relationship as an important part of who we are. This was affirmed in an invitation to our associates from the Leadership Team to participate in a panel at our Chapter Assembly in June 2011. The sisters present were given an opportunity to respond to each of the speakers with questions or comments. This experience was a blessed moment in our congregation as sisters and associates dialogued together.
The clear direction and vision given by our Leadership Teams over the years is now bearing fruit. For the first time in our Presentation history an invitation was extended to our associates to participate in the process of inviting new persons to join us in this mutually supportive relationship. Currently we have fifty (50) men and women associates and forty-eight (48) new persons who have just completed the information sessions and are now ready to begin the welcoming process.

At this moment in our history we are being called to sing a new song, dance a new dance, for deep within God is saying, "See, I am doing something new."
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