Saturday, December 14, 2013

Joyful Mercy Advent in Newfoundland

Submitted by:  Maureen O'Keefe, rsm

Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God.  Teilhard de Chardin

St John's, Newfoundland.  Mercy Associates assembled for a time of prayer and reflection on November 30 and December 3 at Mercy Convent Chapel and Associate Room, Military Road. Sister Loretta Chafe-rsm led the gathering as they contemplated,  “Come, take time to prepare your heart in joyful hope for the Advent of our God.” 

L to R:  Back Row - Joan Upshall, Sr. Loretta Chafe,
Regina Shapter, Sheila Connoly, Betty Pomroy, Marie Higgins,
Cathy Hickey.
Seated: Bess Collins, Lucy Parrott,  Mary Craig,
Sr. Maureen O'Keefe.
Here are some thoughts expressed by participants at the end of the day:

Through singing, psalms and scripture reading, personal reflections, sharing of thoughts and a guided reflection on Luke’s account of the visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth, the many facets of joy were contemplated. 

 Each line of scripture led us to the heartfelt understanding that life is all joy and freedom once we become aware of God’s presence in our own hearts and in each other. Each person shared stories about how we receive the grace in the everyday moments of our lives to “rejoice in all things” – how our lives are a winding journey comprised of joys and sorrows, disappointments and losses, high points of achievement and reward, quiet empty spaces of time and fun-filled times with others.

L to R:  Sr. Loretta Chafe,  Rose Dinn,
Dolores Robertson,  Anne Brown
Sister Loretta’s guided journey with Mary to Elizabeth’s house was truly precious in
enabling us to experience trust, joy and comfort with one another. Just as Mary was so filled with joy as she spoke with Elizabeth, that she proclaimed the Magnificat, we too are asked to open  our hearts to receive God’s love and allow Jesus to born anew in us. 

The retreat was an oasis of quiet time away from the material hustle and bustle of Christmas preparations. It provided a joy and peace that we can take back to our homes and communities.

The day was thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by everyone. We left with lighter and more joyful hearts and with a spring in our step.  For a few hours we shared a sacred space and a spiritual unity that brought us to a greater awareness of the presence of God within and among us.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


By:  Carl Madigan, CND Associate, Mabou, Nova Scotia.



Journey’s end ----                                          
Journey’s yet begun ---
And so I go Lord
Only because you ask this of me.
For some unending reason
You have found favour with me
And have now shared
The totality of Your Being ---
As far as my heart can grasp.
Life’s end ---
Life’s true beginning.             Amen.


My Teddy Bear

Ever gentle – Ever loving

May this small being ever share with you
The total wonderment of life 
Of love.

May his quiet, gentle ways 
Guide you to the loving gentleness               
Of our Father.

May his patient, forgiving heart
Lead you deeply
Into the healing arms of our God.

May his faithful, loving presence
Draw you ever more
Into the comforting presence of our Lord.

May his unity with his Being
Bring you fully
Into the Oneness of your Being.

And may your life be lived as His
In peaceful, gentle, loving
Acceptance of all your being.

Forever at one 
With self
With other
With God.

P.S.  Isn’t it marvelous that we never grow too old to be loved by our teddy bears.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

CND Associate and Presbyterian Minister conduct workshop

Rev. Joyce Davis (left) and Peg Madigan at Cape
Breton Women's Ecumenical Conference.
In November, CND Associate Peg Madigan and Presbyterian minister Joyce Davis teamed up to facilitate a workshop at the 30th annual Cape Breton Women's Ecumenical Conference at the picturesque Inverary Inn, Baddeck, Nova Scotia.    The workshop entitled "Homeward Bound" offered participants an opportunity to pause and reflect on the mystery of life's end.

Guest speaker for the conference was Rev. Marion McKay who explored the weekend theme "Opening Doors" and ably held the attention of the 107 attendees with her gift of storytelling and insightful connections.

Madigan, reflecting on the weekend, stated, "There were many highlights but the Sunrise Prayer Service early Sunday morning overlooking the beautiful Bras d'Or Lakes was a special highlight along with the Emmaus Walk which offered an opportunity to spend some quality time in sharing and listening with a companion". 

The conference was chaired by committee member Honorine MacMullin of Cheticamp, Nova Scotia.

The popular weekend gathering is filled with discussion, sharing, singing, laughter and wonderful meals.   In fact it is so popular many women, before leaving, booked rooms for the 2014 conference !

Saturday, November 30, 2013

ARCAN Committee Plan for 2014 Atlantic Conference

Mount Saint Vincent University will be the venue for the third Atlantic Religious Congregations Associate Network conference on June 6-7, 2014.   The theme for the gathering is, "Called to Relationship - Widening the Embrace".  The conference is open to all associates, sisters, and those interested in this new and growing relationship.

The conference presenter will be Anne Walsh, a Redemptorist Associate of St. John's Newfoundland. Anne is currently the Executive Assistant to the Archbishop of St. John's and Director of Adult Faith Formation for the Archdiocese.   She is a candidate for the Doctor of Ministry degree from St. Stephen's College, Edmonton.  She has presented workshops, courses and retreats in every Canadian province including the territory of Nunavut, and in various places in the United States, England, Ireland and Italy.  She has written numerous articles and worked on a number of writing teams for Religious Education resources published by the Canadian Bishops. She was most recently the principal author for the document On Good Soil: Pastoral Planning for Adult Faith Formation, published by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops in May, 2011.  In 2009 Anne was a speaker at the Redemptorist General Chapter in Rome. 

The ARCAN conference is proving to be a popular gathering for sisters and associates throughout the Atlantic area.   As associate groups in individual congregations continue to develop and grow, there is a simultaneous need to build bridges between congregations to share experiences, learn about current trends and issues, and support one another.

2011 conference participants:
Vivian Mancini, sc and Linda McNeil A-csm
In addition to general conference proceedings, a new element will be added to the 2014 conference - a business segment.  The ARCAN Committee will take a small portion of the agenda to present a report of its activities to the assembly and introduce their process for a long range plan for ARCAN.  The Committee has made great strides over the past year and is looking forward to presenting its material and gathering input from sisters and associates that will assist in further developing this plan.  

The associate movement is a growing phenomenon.  It is said to be the fastest growing group within the church.  As other groups continue to decline in numbers, associate groups are showing a steep upward trend throughout North America.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

ARCAN Committee welcomes Lorna Burbine

Lorna Burbine,
Antigonish Martha Associate
At the May 2013 ARCAN meeting the Committee welcomed Lorna Burbine, an associate of the Sisters of St Martha of Antigonish. Lorna was selected by the Antigonish Martha's to sit on the ARCAN committee with Sr. Claudette Gallant.

Lorna lives in Halifax with her husband, Jim Campbell. She and Jim are both associates. They have a combined family of one daughter, two sons and three grandchildren. Lorna and Jim belong to the Trenton (Nova Scotia) Martha Associate group.

Lorna spent most of her working career as a medical assistant except for a period of time working in Addictions Services which she said, "I loved".

When asked why she became a Martha associate she said, "We met and became friends with Sister Edna and Sister Mary and loved them both. In our friendship we learned more about the Martha's and were both very impressed with their generosity and their hospitality. Sister Edna invited us to journey with them for a year. The rest is history!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Spirituality of Youth - What's the lesson ?

It is often remarked that as religious congregations initiate associate relationships in an effort toward renewal, most, if not all associates are the same age as the members of the congregations to which they belong.  It begs the question, "how might the associate relationship be of interest to young people ?"

Many youth today have dropped out of mainstream religion.  They are missing from our churches.   Many have chosen other paths for spiritual fulfillment while others have chosen none at all.
Adam Bucko and Matthew Fox

In an online interview with Adam Bucko and Matthew Fox about the spirituality of the Occupy Movement, Bucko comments:
"It is often said that youth do not know the language of the church. But in fact, the church does not know the language of the youth."
Bucko makes the case that youth are yearning for meaning and spirituality but not necessarily for the spiritual messages of a single mainstream tradition.  They live in a global village and as such draw from many traditions simultaneously.

As religious congregations work to develop associate programs, the message of Bucko and Fox has some inspiring insights and reflections that might be instructive.

To view this stimulating interview with Matthew Fox and Adam Bucko, click on the link below.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

ARCAN Committee Begins Strategic Plan

What is the future vision of the Atlantic movement of associates and sisters ?
What is the world crying out for at this time in history?
What new forms of religious life are emerging as congregations fade ?

Seated l to r:  Phyllis Gallant, cnd; Lauretta White, csm;
Frances Johnston, csm;
Standing l to r:  Cora Shebib A-sc; Peg Madigan A-cnd;
Maureen O'Keefe rsm; Norma Heffernan rscj; Peggy Gorman A-rscj;
Lorna Burbine A-csm; Winnie Odo A-cnd; Margie Gillis sc.
Missing:  Claudette Gallant csm,  Liz Murnaghan A-csm;
Ruth O'Reilly pbvm; Carmelita Pittman A-pbvm;
Regina Shapter A-rsm
These questions provided for some deep conversation and reflection at the October meeting of the ARCAN Committee.  

A draft vision statement has been developed and will be presented at the Atlantic conference on June 6-7, 2014, at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax.

Another issue of importance cited at the October meeting was the financial challenge of the network as it grows and develops.  It was noted that at the 2011 conference participants placed high importance on continued opportunities to gather, connect, learn and share together and that there is a richness that comes from gathering with members of other congregations.   Given this on-going desire, the Committee flagged the need for financial resources to maintain the network.  It is expected that further development of the strategic plan will highlight this need and present some options.

The Committee has been engaged in a strategic planning process during its last two meetings.  The hope is that a planning document will be developed and presented to the membership which will provide future direction, vision and leadership for the Atlantic network.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Presentation Sisters and Associates Launch First Newsletter

"There is no greater happiness in the world than to be in union"
Nano Nagle

Sr. Sharon Fagan, Congregational Leader of the Presentation Sisters introduced their first associate newsletter with these words of their foundress, Nano Nagle.

In her introductory comments she underscores the "new moment" that is upon both sisters and associates as they recognize the "new consciousness of life's interrelatedness" that is impacting their community.

Before her role as congregational leader Fagan was Director of Associates.

The newsletter will be published three times each year.