Tuesday, October 22, 2013

ARCAN Committee welcomes Lorna Burbine

Lorna Burbine,
Antigonish Martha Associate
At the May 2013 ARCAN meeting the Committee welcomed Lorna Burbine, an associate of the Sisters of St Martha of Antigonish. Lorna was selected by the Antigonish Martha's to sit on the ARCAN committee with Sr. Claudette Gallant.

Lorna lives in Halifax with her husband, Jim Campbell. She and Jim are both associates. They have a combined family of one daughter, two sons and three grandchildren. Lorna and Jim belong to the Trenton (Nova Scotia) Martha Associate group.

Lorna spent most of her working career as a medical assistant except for a period of time working in Addictions Services which she said, "I loved".

When asked why she became a Martha associate she said, "We met and became friends with Sister Edna and Sister Mary and loved them both. In our friendship we learned more about the Martha's and were both very impressed with their generosity and their hospitality. Sister Edna invited us to journey with them for a year. The rest is history!

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