Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Whispers of God in Baddeck: The Cape Breton Women's Ecumenical Weekend

Submitted by:  Peg Madigan, cnd Associate

I took part in a very exciting weekend recently.   It has lingered with me as I continue to recall all the richness of my experience and the wonderful people that I encountered.  So that being said, I would like to briefly share some of the highlights.

The organization that hosted this weekend event was the Cape Breton Women's Ecumenical Conference.   The CBWEC has been gathering together the first weekend in November for the past twenty-nine (29) years and has been held each year in the beautiful surroundings of the Inverary Inn, Beddeck, Nova Scotia Canada.

This years’ guest speaker was Nancy Whitney Latham who touched the hearts of all with her stories and humor as she expanded on the theme of this years weekend, “Whispers of God".   Each of the 121 attendees were assigned to groups (families) at the beginning of the conference on Friday evening. At this point, all the differences which may have existed, seemingly disappeared or melted away. 

Worship, prayer and songs were introduced throughout our time together. 

On Saturday a number of workshops were presented on various topics and themes.  And Saturday evening, a bountiful banquet meal was shared followed by entertainment and fashion show !

Sunday morning started with a ‘sunrise worship service’ at 6:30am which set the tone for the remainder of the morning.  The final event on Sunday morning had us partner with a member of our family group and take an Emmaus Walk together.  The Spirit was so alive throughout the weekend but something very special always seems to happen on the Emmaus Walk.

It was a spectacular weekend experience for me and others ! 

Just as a side note, I have already reserved a room for next year's conference. I will keep you posted.

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