Monday, December 3, 2012

Four Women Make Mercy Associate Commitment

Submitted by: Sr. Maureen O'Keefe, rsm - Mercy Associate Co-ordinator

L to R:  Cathy Hickey,  Sonia Harvey, Marilyn Thrurston,
Jo Anne Stevenson, Sr. Elizabeth Davis
Mother & Daughter
Gita Penney and Catherine (Penney) Ryan

On Sunday afternoon, November 25, approximately sixty Mercy Sisters and Associates gathered to celebrate with Sonia Harvey, Cathy Hickey, Jo Anne Stevenson and Marilyn Thurston as they made their Mercy Associate Commitment.  The Ritual took place in Mercy Convent Chapel, St. John's, Newfoundland.

In addition to the Scripture readings, prayers and songs, there was a special reflection on “What "mercy" means in my life.”  This was beautifully shared by mother and daughter Associates, Gita Penney and Catherine (Penney) Ryan.

Sister Elizabeth Davis, Congregational Leader, accepted the commitment of each new Associate and presented her with an Associate pin, certificate and candle. In speaking to the gathering she asked that each time Associates light their candle, they be reminded to pray for the upcoming General Chapter. The theme for this Chapter is “Tending the Flame of God’s Mercy.”  

L to R:  Sisters Charlotte Fitzpatrick, Betty Morrissey,
& Maureen Lawlor
Associates Sheila Connolly and Sara Sexton
The congregation extended their hands in blessing as Sister Elizabeth prayed a special blessing for the new Associates.  In a spirit of solidarity with all Mercy Associates throughout the province, the Associates present renewed their commitment of fidelity to the spirituality, community and mission of Mercy Associate relationship.

Following the ritual, all gathered in the Fleming Room to share the warmth of true friendship over the Catherine McAuley cup of tea and sample the rich variety of Associate homemade  goodies.

What a beautiful afternoon “tending the flame of God’s mercy.”

1 comment:

Cora said...

Congratulations Maureen!
Sounds like a beautiful, spirit filled celebration.
Sending Advent blessings from Cape Breton to the Mercy Sisters and Associates.
Cora Shebib
Associate-Sisters of Charity/Halifax