Wednesday, January 1, 2014

"Carving Tools" Needed for June Associate Conference in Halifax !

Ever wonder what religious life might look like in the future ?  Do you wonder if maybe we are on the cusp of a wildly exciting transformation into something very new ?  Would you like to be part of a conversation with many others from throughout the Atlantic provinces wondering the same thing ?  Then you won't want to miss this upcoming ARCAN conference, June 6-7, 2014, at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax.

Anne Walsh (above) facilitated the Antigonish Diocesan
Congress in October 2013.

We really are carving a unique future !  A new dimension of religious lifestyle is waiting to emerge and we have the exciting privilege and responsibility to be part of its forming.  

Michelangelo said, "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free."   That's a beautiful image for the newly shaping associate relationship. After several years, its form and fashion is showing strong identifying lines and characteristics as it emerges from the marble of traditional religious life. However, more chiseling and chipping needs to be done.  That's what we'll be doing on June 6-7, 2014, at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax. 

The conference will feature the intellect, experience and wit of Anne Walsh, a Redemptorist Associate from Newfoundland, who will facilitate the conference proceedings (for bio see article posted November 30, 2013).  Anne's reputation as a praised speaker and facilitator is spreading and we are thrilled she will be with us.  She, undoubtedly, will present us with some carving tools and invite us to continue to chip away !

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