Saturday, February 8, 2014

RSCJ Associates Celebrate "Decade of Blessings"

Note:  The Society of the Sacred Heart (RSCJ) is an international congregation serving in 41 countries throughout the world.   There are over 2500 women worldwide.  In 2013 the sisters of the United States and Canada combined to form one North American province.  In Canada the RSCJ's live in Halifax, Ottawa, Montreal, and Prince George British Columbia.

Peggy Gorman is an associate of the Society of the Sacred Heart in Halifax and submitted this article commemorating their 10th anniversary as associates in Halifax.


Submitted by:  Peggy Gorman, RSCJ Associate

Ten years ago, six women felt called to a relationship with the RSCJ's that would deepen our prayer life, allow us to live the richness of the charism of Cor Unum (one heart), and provide us with the opportunity to interact more fully with the Canadian RSCJ's.
L to R standing:  Donna Dolan,rscj; Peggy Gorman,
Colleen Quinn, Norma Heffernan,rscj;
Patricia Donnelly (Associate Candidate), Margaret Boyd.
Front:  Barb Martell, Pauline Scott, Susan Atkinson.
Missing:  Judy Sapp.

The intervening years have allowed us to fulfill our goals, to grow in numbers and to renew our commitment to make known the heart of Christ in our personal and professional lives. 

Today we celebrate the women we have become, the "yes" given wholeheartedly by the provincial team ten years ago, the RSCJ mentors that we have been privileged to journey with especially Mary Finlayson and Maureen Currie who encouraged us to study the constitutions, develop skills in preparing and leading prayer, and to attend to our inner life.  We give thanks for those RSCJ's who have followed them and are most thankful for the relationship we have with all of the Canadian RSCJ's.

We have also been enriched by the opportunity to attend and/or prepare assemblies, to develop our associate brochure which includes an innukshuk of words, to compose our commitment statement, to study the lives of the Mothers’ General, to meet with members of the provincial and international leadership and most importantly to pray with, break bread with and share our lives with our sisters.

Today we remember!
We celebrate!
We give thanks!

We look forward to what is to come! 


Cora said...

Greetings from Cape Breton:
I continue to be inspired, encouraged and motivated by the articles posted on the Leading Edge blog !!!
Thank you Peggy for submitting this great piece 14giving us some insight on the journey of the RSCJ's associates and sisters !!!!
Congratulations and prayerful best wishes as you continue your journey !!
Cora Shebib Associate
Sisters of Charity/Halifax

Anonymous said...

Judy Sapp. Interesting to se yu name connected with the associates of th Sacred Heart. I am associated with Sr of Charity. North Sydney. Planning to come to the ARCAN hopefully we will see each other. It has been a very long time since working at he Infirmary.
Blessings to all of yu group.
Great information. Nice to see what others are involved in.

Monica Shebib